今早一到办公室, 我就听到有人说见鬼了。就在我办公楼的后楼梯那里。听了还有点起鸡皮疙瘩叻!她们说听到有吹口哨的声音。当时,楼梯里是没人的。可是,我就觉的很好奇。其他人也是走后面的楼梯,为什么就没听他们说起呢???


今天是我老公的生日。 首先,祝他生日快乐,长命白岁,事业顺利,财源广进,心想事成,天天开心! 这是我们结婚的第一年第一次庆祝生日。好开心哦!我们已经相恋谈了八年的恋爱。 希望能白头偕老!

我们从小就一起玩到大。他是我的邻居。也是借着他的妹妹和我的妹妹多年的同班同学而认识到了他。直到 2000年, 我就搬家了。我们就没有再联络了。 有一天,突然家里的电话响了起来, 原来是他打来的。 他从他妹妹的六年级纪念册里找到了我家里的电话。当时, 我很好奇因为我已经忘记了以前童年一起玩乐的生活了。还记的当天是2002 年的农历新年年初三,2 月 14 日 有 刚好是情人节呢!没想到就这么一通电话又把我们的感情拉进了。 就这样我接受了他。我们偷偷摸摸在一起有五年。 当初我妈是不肯接受他的就因为他的学历。我和我妈还吵了一架。我认为学历不等于幸福。 很多人学历不高一样能找到好工作啊! 反而, 有钱不一定很幸福。 我只想要一个平平淡淡的生活,无忧无虑, 有个会关心我疼我的丈夫。就这样我们相恋了五年。

在2007 年的初夕夜前一天, 我到他家里。突然他家里的狗猛向我慌咬。血不停的流,就这样他送我到医院敷了药打了针,锋了十几针的伤口。过后,他就送我回家。扶我到房间。当时,还是他第一次踏入我家。他照顾我大概有一个月。我不能走路,只求他背着我走。 就从那一刻起,我妈开始接受了他。在同一年的四月份, 我就养了一只小狗名小白。每个人都是叫它阿白。它就像我们的孩子一样。每当看到我们到家时,它就会开开心心的跳上来要抱抱。

在2008年的年尾,我收到了一封政府海关部寄来的信。要我到西马去工作。我这一去就去了整整一年。抛下他和阿白是我最痛苦的时候。 人生地不熟,只好硬着头皮出去闯一闯。当初,也是他鼓励我申请海关部的。 他永远都会支持我!还好, 我在西马就认识了好多师兄,师弟,师姐,师妹。 他们都对我很好。 我就好像又多了几个哥哥姐姐似的。好开心哦!我的身体一向都不好,常常会肚子痛。 他们都 很乐意帮我。 可能这就是命运吧!那时,我每个月都会定了机票会东马。之后,我就申请了调任回东马。2009年11月,我终于拿到了批准信。当时,我好开心因为能回家乡陪老公了。又很伤心因为要离开这么关心我的一群好友。

我这一回去就下定了决心好好计划将来。所以,我们就下定了在2010年的七月份举行了结婚典礼。 就这样永远在一起,永不分离。 他是一位好老公,我也要做一为好老婆。老公, 我爱你! 

1. 让行动走在时间之前
2. 和别人约会绝不迟到
3. 遵守自己的承诺
4. 不在无意义的事物浪费时间
5. 学会坚持

看了这五种好习惯,才发觉自己也还没做到最好叻!第一,觉得自己每天都在浪费时间。第二, 每次都为一些不相干的人和事物烦恼,这又何必呢! 第三, 幸亏自己是一个不喜欢迟到和不喜欢别人迟到的人。如果迟到有理由,还能接受咯!第四, 我会遵守承诺的人。因为我不喜欢别人说到做不到。所以做不到就不要答应别人。第五, 我一定会坚持到底。

如果不喜欢对方这样对你, 你就得检讨好自己。做好自己的本分。你怎样善待别人,别人就会怎样善待你。好之为之吧!“助人为快乐之本” 别人开心,我们也一起开心。 不求回报, 只求快乐!
A child told the mother: “Mum you are very beautiful today.”
Replied the mother : “Why?”
The child said : “ Because you did not get angry today .”
Moral of the story:
1. It is easy to possess beauty:- do not get angry.
2. Anger is temporary madness.

A man attended an interview for a job.
Along the corridor, he picked up a piece and threw it into a dustbin.
The interviewer passed by and saw it.
This man got the job.
Moral of the story:
Live with good habits, and you will be recognised.

A small boy worked as an apprentice in a bicycle shop.
A man sent a bicycle for repair.
After repairing the bicycle, this boy cleaned up the bicycle and it looked like a new one.
Other apprentices laughed at him for doing redundant work.
The second day after the owner claimed the bicycle back, this boy was pinched and offered a job.
Moral of the story :
1.Go the extra mile to be successful.
2. Doing more gains more & Doing less loses more.

The owner of a farm asked his child to work everyday at the farm.
His friend said to him : “ You do not have to make your son work so hard. The crops would grow just as good.”
Owner of the farm replied: “ I am not cultivating my crops, but my child.”
Moral of the story:
1. A simple way to groom a child is to let him experience some hardships.
2. If not cut, jade would not turn into useful ware.

A shop is always brightly lit up.
Someone asked : “What brand of bulb are you using ? It is so lasting.”
The shop owner replied : “Our bulbs blew out frequently. We replaced them once a bulb blew out.”
Moral of the story:
1. It is simple to maintain brightness , change the bulbs regularly.
2. To brightening up everyday life : Endeavour to abandon unwholesome states of mind and make an effort to encourage wholesome states to grow.

  • Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.
  • Don't cry over anyone who won't cry over you.
  • Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.
  • You can only go as far as you push.
  • Actions speak louder than words.
  • The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love somebody else.
  • Don't let the past hold you back; you're missing the good stuff.
  • Life's short. If you don't look around once in a while, you might miss it.
  • A best friend is like a four leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have.
  • If you think that the world means nothing, think again. You might mean the world to someone else. 
  • When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there
  • True friendship never ends.
  • Friends are forever.
  • Good friends are like stars....You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.
  • Don't frown. You never know who is falling in love with your smile.
  • What do you do when the only person who can make you stop crying is the person who made you cry?
  • Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end.
Most people walk in and out of you life. But only True friends leave footprints in your heart.
Send this on to everyone special in your life, even the people who really make you mad sometimes. Whether we realize it or not, everyone we know is very special to us.
When we look back on our younger years, we will  remember the people who went to school with us, the people who made us laugh, the people who hung out with us when nobody else would, and the  people who made our lives much better simply by being a part of it.
There may be somebody who is thinking about you RIGHT NOW and wishing that you were around. That's the wonderful thing about friendship-you always feel loved and cared about.
The most important thing to remember is... Always appreciate the friends that you have.
A fight may come and go very easily, but a friendship could last forever. 
Two factory workers are talking.
Woman: I can make the boss give me the day off.
Man: And how would you do that?
Woman: “Just wait and see.” She then hangs upside-down from the ceiling.
Boss comes in: What are you doing?
Woman: I’m a light bulb.
Boss: You’ve been working so much that you’ve gone crazy. I think you need to take the day off.
The man starts to follow her and the boss says: Where are you going?
The man says: I’m going home, too. I can’t work in the dark.

A little girl came home from school and said to her mother, “Mommy, today in school I was punished for something that I didn’t do.”
The mother exclaimed, “But that’s terrible! I’m going to have a talk with your teacher about this … by the way, what was it that you didn’t do?”
The little girl replied, “My homework.”


The students were lined up in the cafeteria for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. The nun made a note, and posted on the apple tray: “Take only ONE. God is watching.”
Moving further along the lunch line, at the other end of the table was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies. A child had written a note, “Take all you want. God is watching the apples.”

Teacher: Here is a math problem. If your dad earned $300 dollars a week and he gave your mother half, what should he have?
Student: A heart attack.